Saturday, November 23, 2013


The battle rages on.  Swords are drawn.  Armor is on.  The warriors are in place. The attack is on going.  The battle rages on.  The fight for victory. Some warriors fight with fists. Some fight with words.  Others battle with their actions.  This is an epic tale, the tale of two worlds colliding.  The battle rages on. 
This is not a movie trailer for the next big box office hit.  The battle that rages on this planet is in spiritual warfare.  I have felt so safe in my Christian box over the last 30 plus years of my life.  So happy skipping along, judging people when I could, waving my magic Christian wand over them, smiling, "I'll pray for you" and skipping along my yellow brick road without a second thought.  Dum de dum dum...isn't this world just great putting a Jesus band aid over the boo boos and carrying on.  I was wrong in these actions.  Leading my life this way is not what we are called to do.  We are in spiritual warfare.  Satan, the deceiver, Lucifer, bad angel, serpent, evil one.  He thinks he rules this world- maybe he does.  He doesn't want you to know Christ. He doesn't want you to love others.  Satan doesn't want me to write this blog, he wants me to be fake.  As a matter of fact his words make me think I shouldn't be this real, that you will judge me for that.  The battle rages on.  Guess what, we are in battle!  Battle daily, hourly, by the minute.  This battle will lead up to some of the most important decisions in your life.  The decision to lay down your own desires, to turn away from this world and follow Jesus. That is an epic battle raging on. The battle for the souls of the people in this world is not a new one.  It started in the garden and it will end in the Glory of God.  Which side of that battle do you want to be on my friends.  The battle rages on.  Warriors down on their knees praying for you every day to surrender to the almighty.  But it doesn't stop there.  Once you are a part of the Lord's army you will be faced with battles everyday till the day you die.  Satan doesn't want us to follow the Lord, this world doesn't make it easy to do so.  Our society tells us, buy more, do what feels good, Just Do It, seek pleasure, you deserve it, no consequences to actions, it's not our fault, your needs are more important that hers, she's prettier and skinnier so she's better.  And on and on the deceiver goes, thinking he rules this world. Thinking he's winning.  The battle rages on.
This past year and these last few months have been warfare for me.  I am certain when you are laying down your life, actively in the word, praying and seeking you will be in warfare.  Satan screams and shakes at the thought of Chrystan Ferrell seeking after God's will, because that means that he can't stop me.  When I am in the will of God he has no strong hold over me. When I am in the will of God, seeking his face, in conversation with him...I can't hear the deceiver.  The battle rages on.  My warriors, Debi Weaver, Whitney Putnam, Christy Britton, Andrea Ferrell they have been aggressively in prayer for me.  Turning me towards scripture, holding me accountable and holding me when I need held.  My battle is everyday, and guess what...the good guys are winning. 
That's the thing sweet friends, God Wins!  We already know the end of the story, we've already read the spoiler.  GOD IS VICTORIOUS!  And I am a daughter to the King and I WILL be with him when this world goes down.  In Revelations (which the whole Bible points to Jesus's time on earth, death on the cross, resurrection and his return) he tells us:
Revelation 22:12 " Behold, I am coming quickly, and MY reward is with ME, to render to every man according to what he has done. I AM the ALPHA and the OMEGA the first and the last the beginning and the end."
Revelations 22:7 says:
"And behold I am coming quickly. Blessed is he who heeds the words of the prophecy of this book"
Ya'll he's not fooling around here.  There is battle raging and an end result.  Which side are you on?  Do you know the Lord and most importantly does he know you?  He does not say I'll be there when you're ready to give it all up for me.  He says I AM COMING QUICKLY!  Don't wait to join his army, join this battle today. Put on the full armor of God and just wait and see the amazing thing that he does with his warriors!
I know this was one serious post today and not usually the route I go.  But I am in battle, my sisters in Christ are in battle, and we want you to join our ranks, to fight for the good guys and to win the most important battle of your life. And if you have lost touch of this in your own walk, grab up your sword (the word of God) and come back to him.  He never left you, you only needed to turn around.  Join a church, seek his will and begin to heal. 
I love and pray over each one of you as I post this blog.  As Princesses (and Princes) to the King we are Beautifully and Wonderfully Made in his amazing image. 
Much Love,
Chrystan Ferrell (aka Warrior Princess to the King)

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