Sunday, July 22, 2012

Bubble Wrap

There are so many scary and sad things going on out it the world today.  I have felt such a heavy burden for our children this week.  I fear for what the world will bring for them.  What will things be like for them when they are the adults in the world.  There is such a big part of me that wants to wrap my boys up in bubble wrap and shove them lovingly into a large bubble that will keep them safe from all of the tragedy out in this fallen world.  Why can't I do that!!!!???  Shelter, shelter, shelter!  Can't they just be mommas boys safe inside the comfort of these walls?  Within these walls I know that they are safe, surrounded by love and happiness, filled with joy and laughter and taught how to walk closely with God.  Out in the world, they are subjected to people who may hurt them physically or verbally.  They don't have super mom to defend them all the time, or to pick them up when they fall, or to give them the Jesus lesson that they can learn in this experience.  Why would Jesus give me these precious little angels, if I can't protect them from all those horrible things out there?  Could it be because they need to go out and effect that world themselves?  Light bulb, if I keep them locked up safely here in my house then they can't shine their lights for Him! We are here not to be parents, not to be husbands and wives, not to be good at our jobs and so on (not that those things don't glorify God too) but we are here to show and share the love of Christ.  It is written:

Matthew 28:16-20

New International Version (NIV)

The Great Commission

16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Our children are part of The Great Commission!  We have a large audience to reach in a short amount of time friends!  He made us to glorify Him, to share the good news with everyone! Our babies, our sweet children, are a part of that amazing calling.  And so in my heavy heart for the ways of this world, I am comforted in this thought; God loves my children so much that He has made them little vessels for His good work and this good news.  The good news that Jesus died for the sinners of this world so that they can come to know the Lord and spend eternity in Heaven.  So, instead of wrapping my boys in bubble wrap and lovingly shoving them into a big bubble, I will arm them. I will arm them with The Word.  I will soak them in the words and in the love of Christ. So that when I open this door and let them out into the world they will have on The Armor of Christ!  The armor that will take them out into the world armed with the word and good news of God.  And as I stand in the doorway and pray over them I will be thankful that God has given me His children to raise here in His honor, for His glory, to become more Christ-like everyday.

My friends, in the wake of the Aurora Colorado shootings I urge you to pray for our children, our youth and our nation.  To arm your children with The Word of God as they leave your door step. To pray over them as they sleep and to commit your life to Christ and follow hard after Him.  It is only then that these babies will survive the hard times ahead of them, out in a world full of hate.

 Until we are together again remember the we are all Beautifully and Wonderfully Made by the one true God who loves us more than we love our children!!!!

Much Love,