Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

The thing about Mother's Day is that it makes you reflect on so many things.  I spent the day getting choked up for a variety of reasons.  I look at my children and I feel so humbled and extremely blessed to have them in my life.  My children have changed me, they have made me better, I am a better version of myself because God has put them in my life.  I have two women in my life that I call Mom.  Both have blessed me in amazing ways.  My Mom has made it a point, her life's mission I think, to make sure I always know that she loves me. I talk to her almost everyday and eveytime I get off of the phone with her she tells me she loves me.  Everytime I walk out her door or tell her goodnight when I am visiting, she tells me she loves me.  There has never been a time where I have doubted her love for me.  And so today, I thought about that love and that relationship and what it is doing to grow me as a mommy myself.  My step-mom, who has been in my life since I was very young, not only played a huge part in raising me, but played her own important role in my life as well.  She is the reason I found Jesus and have developed a solid relationship with my Lord and Savior.  Diana's legacy in my life will be the beginning of Christ in my family.  She became a believer, then my Dad, then us kiddos, and now my boys are following in those footsteps.  I could never repay that, I could never be more thankful that God put her in my life if only just for that reason (though she did so much for me outside of that as well).  I am going to Heaven when I die and she played a huge role in that.  There are other Mother's that have impacted my life greatly.  My Mother-In-Law has inspired me to be silent more often.  To be a listener and a server instead of looking around to see what people can do to serve me.  Silence and servitude have taken me on a great journey the last 2 years and Linda has been an amazing example of both.  The Lord placed Adam in my life, and with that blessing I was able to meet and gain a relationship with one of the most wonderful women to be on the planet.  Roxie Ferrell, Adam's Grandma, touched my life in a way that I could never explain to you.  She was the Wife of Noble Character, she was the best mother, the most amazing woman of God and I was lucky enough to be in her presence.  My relationship with Roxie allowed me to look into a life done right.  She was a servant, she was a prayer warrior, she was an amazing mother and grandmother, she was everything that I hope to become.  She passed lastyear and I long for her often.  To speak with her and have her wisdom flow down over me.  To see God's love in her eyes and to soak in her joy.  But alas I will wait to see her again in Heaven, to rejoice in the love that she taught me so much about.  All these women and all the women that I surround myself with teach me so much. They teach me about being a wife, a mommy and a follower of Christ.  They show me how to show mercy, give grace, have patience, to pray, to cry, to love, to have passion and follow hard after my dreams.  I love being a woman, I love being a wife and I LOVE LOVE LOVE being a mommy.
My friends, Jesus feels more love for us than we can imagine. More than our Mother's love us, more than we love our children, how crazy awesome is that!!!???  If you do not know Him as your savior, now is the time to seak Him out.  He will change your life, I promise!  Please let me know if I can pray for you or if I can help you on your journey. 

Until next time I want you to know that I am abundantly blessed and that we are all Beautifully and Wonderfully Made by the great creator who loves us immensely.

Much Love,