Monday, November 14, 2011

Looking Back, Looking Up and Looking Forward

November 14

I had the honor and the pleasure in attending my Aunt Carol's 50th birthday party this weekend!  It was a wonderful experience, not only because we got our family together from all over the country, but because of what it represented.  Carol's party really got me thinking about what my first fifty years will look like?  Hers was filled with laughter, love, passion, and most importantly an life visibly imprinted with God's love.  As I approach the big 3-0 I find myself wondering what will people say about me at my 30th-50th-100th?  What will I be remembered for?  Will it be my love for Christ and passion in spreading His message?  That's what should be said about me, right?  That's what I am here for.  To live a life that is an example of His love and that brings the people that I come in contact with into His family of followers.  Will my children and loved ones say that I was responsible for feeding them not only the food they needed but the word of God?  Gosh, I just felt like hearing all of the amazing things said about my Aunt and knowing the life she has led thus far, really made me feel like I still have some work to do in my own life.  Knowing that I am a work in progress is the beginning, changing course and staying on course is the middle...what will the end bring?  Only God knows, but at least He gave me the bBible as a map. :)

This week, think about the life that you are leading.  What have your first 20, 30, 40, 50 years shown about you?  What do you want your next 20, 30, 40, 50 years to look like, sound like, and feel like?  Who and what do you put first?

I have spent the last few weeks bogged down by lack of sleep, the fatty frumps, and the emotional roller coaster that a new baby brings.  I am moving up from that place to start working on my next 30 years.  Much love and luck to all of you who are looking up this week...keep looking UP to Him, He is always looking down at you.

And remember, you are Beautfiully and Wonderfully made in His image so you already have a jump start to fabu-la-city ;)


*I am dedicating these thoughts and this Blog today to my amazing Aunt Carol Haynie, who shows me consistantly and without fail how to be a Beautifully Made example of God's love and light.  Thank you for being a great Aunt and sister in Christ.  Here's to your next 50+ years!